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Felisha Elatha
Level 27
Renown Level 1
Owner: Shauna


33 Studies, 1,560,589 Study Points
Combat 8 Studies, 19,049 Points
  • Bladesmanship

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Bladesmanship

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

  • Blunt Weaponry

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Blunt Weaponry

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

  • Combat Anatomy

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Basic Anatomy

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 45 minutes

  • Combat Basics

    Studies: 1 Points: 19,049

    • Combat Techniques

      Rank 3, 19,049 Points, 1 days 6 hours 55 minutes 16 seconds

  • Defensive Maneuvers

    Studies: 2 Points: 0

    • Defensive Maneuvers

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

    • Natural Armor

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 1 days

  • Poleaxes

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Poleaxes

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

  • Ranged Combat

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Ranged Combat

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

General 14 Studies, 600 Points
  • Basic General Studies

    Studies: 1 Points: 600

    • General Studies

      Rank 1, 600 Points, 56 minutes 20 seconds

  • Professions

    Studies: 6 Points: 0

    • Thread Spinning

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 1 days

    • Expedient Novice Crafting

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 1 days

    • Rare Alloys

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 1 days

    • Furs and Scales

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 1 days

    • Natural Oils

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 1 days

    • Expedient Alchemy

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 1 days

  • Self Improvement

    Studies: 6 Points: 0

    • Meaningful Travel

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

    • Basic Aerobics

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

    • Basic Mnemonics

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

    • Basic Gymnastics

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

    • Basic Devotions

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

    • Basic Weightlifting

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

  • Society and Culture

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Society and Culture

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

Magic 11 Studies, 1,540,940 Points
  • Arcane Essence

    Studies: 1 Points: 30

    • Arcane Essence

      Rank 0, 30 Points, 3 hours 59 minutes 30 seconds

  • Basic Magic Studies

    Studies: 1 Points: 19,049

    • Magic & the Elements

      Rank 3, 19,049 Points, 1 days 6 hours 55 minutes 16 seconds

  • Cold and Ice

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Cold and Ice

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

  • Elemental Wrath

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Elemental Wrath

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

  • Fire and Flame

    Studies: 4 Points: 1,507,461

    • Fire and Flame

      Rank 3, 193,196 Points, 8 days 23 hours 13 minutes 11 seconds

    • Embermancy

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

    • Fire Control

      Rank 4, 707,647 Points, 33 days 19 minutes

    • Immolation

      Rank 2, 606,618 Points, 19 days 10 hours 21 minutes 36 seconds

  • Focus Regeneration

    Studies: 1 Points: 14,400

    • Focus Regeneration

      Rank 1, 14,400 Points, 14 hours 39 minutes 4 seconds

  • Healing Arts

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Healing Arts

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

  • Power of the Storm

    Studies: 1 Points: 0

    • Power of the Storm

      Rank 0, 0 Points, 4 hours

Queue List