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  • Gloves

Marsh Gloves of Faith

Marsh Gloves of Faith
Bind On Equip
Medium (Gloves)
53 Protection
Durability 32/32
+1 Soul
+1 Intellect
Requires Level 12
1 - 50 of 170
Name Level Location Reacts To %
Kajixar Bandit 15 Hejaz's Refuge 0
Longnose Bloodpainter 18 - 19 Dustsnout Wallows 0.0333
Explorer Dora 17 Twig Beach 0
Wolvenar Stag 18 Critter Hale Pines 0.0333
Watchmaster Olls 17 Twig Beach 0
Fisto's Henchman 15 - 16 Xukari Ruins 0
Riv Stonechipper 15 Unique Ashkaz Stoneyard 0
Twig Beach Sifter 16 - 17 Heckler's Dive, Twig Beach 0
Strawbrain 18 Old Xus Farm 0.0333
Warwing Stinger 16 - 17 Bur Clamps 0.0333
Trapjaw Chomper 16 - 17 Grax Burs 0
Kajixar Magus 15 - 16 Hejaz's Refuge, Xukari Ruins 0
Rebellious Salt Miner 15 - 16 Salty Pools 0
Sunhide Stalker 16 Grax Burs 0
Deadtwig Shorewalker 16 Heckler's Dive 0
Duskwalker Bandit 18 - 21 Duskwalker Outpost, Old Jix Farm 0.0333
Old Jix 20 Unique Old Jix Farm 0.0167
Old Jix 20 Unique Old Jix Farm 0.0267
Skeletal Researcher 16 - 17 Twig Beach 0
Direwing Rok 15 Grax Burs 0
Sandshore Scorpion 17 - 19 Sandshore, Driftwood Digs 0.0333
Whisperwind Moth 16 - 17 Bur Clamps 0.0333
Tukclaw Raider 13 - 14 Goxan Hakk 0
Brennon Taag 15 Elite Palm Jut 0
Wolvenar Alpha 24 Wolf Dens 0.0333
Dunecrawl Pincer 17 - 18 Sandshore 0.0333
Skullseeker Magus 18 - 19 Skullseeker Rise 0.0333
Rutguz Nidgit 20 - 21 Hokk Digs 0.0333
Dunehound Cur 20 Driftwood Digs 0.0333
Skullseeker Bandit 19 Skullseeker Rise 0.0333
Thicket Buck 20 The Shimmer, Shimmer Thresh 0.0333
Sunwind Digger 18 - 19 Palm Ridge 0.0333
Kajixar Excavator 16 - 17 Xukari Ruins 0
Tangleroot Looter 17 - 18 Goxan Brush 0.0333
Twig Beach Preacher 16 - 17 Heckler's Dive, Twig Beach 0
Xukari Cobra 16 - 17 Bur Clamps 0
Longnose Digger 17 - 18 Dustsnout Wallows 0.0333
Iydun Tukclaw 15 Unique Goxan Vox 0
Thicket Stag 1 - 32 The Shimmer, Gnollbark, Shimmer Thresh 0.0333
Tukclaw Weaponsmith 13 - 14 Stony Fields 0
Grimjaw 20 Unique Wolf Dens 0.0267
Tukclaw Elite 15 Goxan Vox 0
Duskwalker Assassin 20 - 21 Old Jix Farm 0.0333
Malach the Seeker 20 Unique Skullseeker Rise 0.0333
Skeletal Warrior 14 - 15 Xas Barrows 0
Kajixar Blade 15 - 16 Hejaz's Refuge, Xukari Ruins 0
Hejaz the Exile 16 Unique Hejaz's Refuge 0
Wailing Death 16 Unique Xas Barrows 0
Tangleroot Nidgit 17 - 18 Old Xus Farm 0.0333
Deadtwig Stalker 16 Heckler's Dive 0
Electrified Marrow Extractor 18 - 19 Scavy Lair 0.0333
Thicket Doe 1 - 31 The Shimmer, Gnollbark, Shimmer Thresh 0.0333
Cornelius 20 Palm Ridge 0.0333
Warwitch Linn 17 Unique Xukari Ruins 0.0333
Twig Beach Dredger 16 - 17 Heckler's Dive, Twig Beach 0
Kajixar Ogran 15 - 16 Xukari Ruins 0
Tukclaw Magus 13 - 14 Goxan Hakk 0
Skullseeker Bandit 18 Skullseeker Rise 0.0333
Sea Leech 17 - 18 HSM Valiant, HSM Defiance 0.0333
Tangleroot Archer 17 - 18 Old Xus Farm 0.0333
Redscale Raptor 20 - 21 Hokk Digs 0.0233
Redscale Raptor 20 - 21 Hokk Digs 0.0267
Giant Crab 15 Bog Humps 0
Giant Sea Leech 18 Unique Woodsunk 0.0333
Muckskim Beetle 21 - 22 Pigwallow 0.0333
Saltshell Claw 16 - 17 Rocky Shores, Salty Pools, Twig Beach, Frogmuck 0
Tukclaw Rebel 13 - 14 Goxan Hakk 0
Kajixar Bandit 16 Hejaz's Refuge 0
Rutguz Vandal 17 - 18 Rumble Hill 0.0333
Weaponmaster Farjak 19 Unique Dustsnout Wallows 0.0333
Panthor 17 Unique Xukari Ruins 0
Sandsteel Thug 20 Bandit Thatch 0.0333
Giant Wooly Moth 15 Rocky Shores 0
Deadtwig Overgrowth 17 Heckler's Dive 0
Quickstrike 18 Unique Grax Burs 0
Wandering Storm 18 - 19 Rumble Hill 0.0333
Rotting Driftwood 16 - 17 Twig Beach 0
Sharpbeak Rok 19 - 20 Hokk Digs 0.0333
Rolling Thunder 20 - 21 Grax Burs 0.0333
Captain Kajix 18 Unique HSM Valiant 0.0333
Skullseeker Blade 19 Skullseeker Rise 0.0333
Skeletal Lurker 14 - 15 Xas Barrows 0
Elder Dakt Cougar 18 Goxan Brush 0
Dakt Cougar 17 - 18 Goxan Brush 0
Cerulean Beetle 15 Abbershad Ruins 0
Shadowpaw Mongrel 17 - 18 Goxan Brush 0
Electrified Bonegrinder 18 - 19 Scavy Lair 0.0333
Taag Bodyguard 11 - 14 Baron's Arch, Palm Jut 0
Rutguz Looter 18 - 19 Rumble Hill 0.0333
Fireshell Beetle 17 - 18 Bur Clamps 0.0333
Kajixar Blade 16 Hejaz's Refuge 0
Wailing Spirit 14 - 15 Xas Barrows 0
Skullseeker Blade 18 Skullseeker Rise 0.0333
Duskwalker Blade 18 - 19 Duskwalker Outpost 0.0333
Tukclaw Shiv 13 - 14 Goxan Hakk 0
Dunehound Mongrel 21 Driftwood Digs 0.0333
Ardum Everblade 17 Unique Xukari Ruins 0
Sunwind Bruiser 19 - 20 Palm Ridge 0.0333
Longnose Hardback 17 - 18 Dustsnout Wallows 0.0333
Mangy Dunehound 17 - 18 Sandshore 0
Skeletal Sailor 16 - 17 Twig Beach 0
Sunwind Foreman 20 Palm Ridge 0.0333
Fisto Strongarm 17 Unique Xukari Ruins 0
Goliathon 19 Unique Dustsnout Wallows 0.0333
Saltshell Pincer 15 - 16 Salty Pools 0
Bull Viper 16 Southpine 0
Balam Twofist 13 Elite Inner Sanctum 0
Balam Eunuch 13 Elite Inner Sanctum 0
Balam Wordspitter 14 Elite Inner Sanctum 0
Coven Assassin 15 Frogmuck 0
Essence of Flame 12 Hale Pines 0
Lusha Beach-hunter 10 Uz'ak Shore 0
Lusha Tideweaver 10 Uz'ak Shore 0
Veteran Coastal Bear 14 Stonefinger Mountains 0
Saltmane 15 0
Lusha Bloodstealer 10 Uz'ak Shore 0
Winterpaw the Cleaver 18 Elite Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0333
Snow-eater Hunter 16 The Gate of Stars 0
Snow-eater Hunter 16 The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Frost-tusk 15 - 17 Path of Ice 0.0333
Frost-flesh Devourer 18 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0
Grinning-Skull the Bonedancer 20 Elite The Gate of Stars 0.0333
Champion of Despair 19 Temple of Despair 0
Champion of Despair 19 Temple of Despair 0.0167
Frosty Skulker 17 The Gate of Stars 0
Frosty Skulker 17 The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Baalgaz the Cruel 18 0.0167
Baalgaz the Cruel 18 0.0233
Winter Wolf 15 - 17 Path of Ice 0.0333
Snow-eater Mage 17 The Gate of Stars 0
Snow-eater Mage 17 The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Frostfang Scout 15 - 17 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0333
Krokgal 18 The Gate of Stars 0.0333
Krokgal 18 The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Ice-Biter Skirmisher 15 - 18 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0167
Ice-Biter Skirmisher 15 - 18 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0233
Ice-Biter Fighter 15 - 17 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0167
Ice-Biter Fighter 15 - 17 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0233
Ice-Biter Poacher 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0167
Ice-Biter Poacher 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0233
Icebone Skulker 16 - 17 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0
Baalgaz the Terrible 18 0.0167
Baalgaz the Terrible 18 0.0233
Snow-eater Scout 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0
Snow-eater Scout 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0631
Crawling Blood-drinker 19 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0
Undead Commander 19 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0
Frozen Undead 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0
Hali'spat 18 The Gate of Stars 0.0333
Hali'spat 18 The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Frostfang Guard 17 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0333
Cloudbreaker 20 Elite Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0333
Winterwind the Howler 20 Elite Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0333
Frezeh 18 The Gate of Stars 0.0333
Frezeh 18 The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Snow-eater Warrior 18 The Gate of Stars 0
Snow-eater Warrior 18 The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Frostfang Medicine Man 18 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0333
Baalgaz the Fiend 18 0.0167
Baalgaz the Fiend 18 0.0233
Frosty Priest 16 The Gate of Stars 0
Frosty Priest 16 The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Frosty Trapper 15 - 18 Bonefield of Kut'ya, The Gate of Stars 0
Frosty Trapper 15 - 18 Bonefield of Kut'ya, The Gate of Stars 0.0631
Creeping Corpse 24 Sunsoaked Plains 0
Marching Zombie 24 Sunsoaked Plains 0
Vanguard Necromancer 23 Sunsoaked Plains 0.0167
Vanguard Necromancer 23 Sunsoaked Plains 0.0233
Constructed Abomination 28 Elite Sunsoaked Plains 0
Skeletal Trooper 21 0