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Militant's Belt of Resolve

Militant's Belt of Resolve
Bind On Equip
Heavy (Belt)
123 Protection
Durability 46/46
+16 Endurance
Requires Level 39
1 - 50 of 52
Name Level Location Reacts To %
Skix Darklighter 37 Cyprak Muck 0.0154
Lowland Panther 46 The Blodge 0.0167
Lowland Panther 46 The Blodge 0.0268
Wrathful Wisp 45 Murky Wallows 0.0334
Skix Hawkeye 47 Snoggy Wallows 0.0334
Skix Coreguard 47 Snoggy Wallows 0.0334
Skix Outrunner 46 Snoggy Wallows 0.0334
Skix Windwatcher 46 - 47 Snoggy Wallows 0.0334
Skix Shadowguard 46 Snoggy Wallows 0.0334
Boneblade Raider 46 Rotting Clave 0.0334
Silverfur Kit 45 Wispermar 0.0234
Silverfur Kit 45 Wispermar 0.0268
Boneblade Marauder 47 Dark Bogthog 0.0334
Bloodreaver Midshipman 46 The Snog 0.0334
Boneblade Highblade 46 Dark Bogthog 0.0334
Captain Donglar 48 Unique Wispermar 0.0334
Bloodreaver Pirate 47 The Snog 0.0334
Silverfur Cougar 46 Wispermar 0.0134
Silverfur Cougar 46 Wispermar 0.0268
Shredtooth Chomper 46 Ruugnart 0.0134
Shredtooth Chomper 46 Ruugnart 0.0268
Saltclaw Snipper 46 Wispermar 0.0334
Bloodreaver Boson 46 The Snog 0.0334
Bogroot 46 - 47 Unique Bile Wallows 0.0334
Spirit of Altercation 46 Weeping Snoglar 0.0334
Fleshwork Recluse 46 Ardronoga 0.0334
Bleak Courier 45 Weeping Snoglar 0.0334
Mireroot 47 Unique Snog Deltas 0.0334
Earthborn Tumbler 46 Stomping Grounds 0.0334
Fleshwork Widow 47 Ardronoga 0.0334
Mireroot Sapling 46 Snog Deltas 0.0334
Colossal Tempest 45 Lower Mung 0.0334
Djenaj 46 Unique Snog Deltas 0.0334
Howlmane Stalker 43 - 44 Raptor Hills 0.0502
Howlmane Stalker 43 - 44 Raptor Hills 0.0602
Rougeback Beetle 43 - 44 Sacred Grounds 0.0334
Shadowveil Caller 46 - 47 Aldon Fields 0.0334
Witherscale Viper 43 - 45 Aldon Fields, Skaxar Tredge 0.0502
Witherscale Viper 43 - 45 Aldon Fields, Skaxar Tredge 0.0569
Firewing Moth 48 - 49 Aldon Fields 0.0334
Monstrous Python 46 - 49 Aldon Fields, Skaxar Tredge 0.0602
Monstrous Python 46 - 49 Aldon Fields, Skaxar Tredge 0.0669
Shadowveil Assassin 46 - 47 Aldon Fields 0.0334
Malfesar 44 Elite Jagged Horn 0.0502
Malfesar 44 Elite Jagged Horn 0.0569
Bandersnatch Sprog 46 Stinkshroom 0.0334
Bandersnatch Ritualist 45 Stinkshroom 0.0334
Skix Scouter 39 Bone Shores 0.0334
Lowland Panther Kit 44 The Blodge 0.0167
Lowland Panther Kit 44 The Blodge 0.0268
Assassin Blackhand 39 Elite Bone Shores 0.0334
Skix Alliance Scout 22 HUD Camp 0.0334