1. Remember Me

  2. OR   



Bring six Shimmerfin Kelpar to Frederic Skinner.


In my day, we didn’t need any fancy nets or rods to catch fish. We’d just punch them in the mouth until they gave up. Nowadays, the fishermen are dumping old barrels into Shimmer Hops and waiting for the Shimmerfin to burrow on in. Thump a couple of those barrels and the Shimmerfin should come right on out. Then… punch them in the mouth!
If I had my strength, I’d go down to the river and get me a couple of Shimmerfin myself - I’d just jab my fist into one of those barrels and pull it out with a Shimmerfin on the end of my fist.
Shimmerfin Kelpar are best eaten raw on a bed of fresh noodles. Delicious!



  • 4570 experience
  • 9 80
Quest Facts

- Level: 28
- Requires level 25
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Muscle Mussels
  2. Noodlin'