1. Remember Me

  2. OR   



Find Tyran Dawnsinger at Skargwatch Tower and warn him of the Talrok threat on Haggon Shores.


    A warning must be delivered to Skargwatch Tower about the Talrok on Haggon Shores. It brings me no pleasure to ask this of you, Asharr, but if the message is not delivered I fear that the Peacemantle will be taken by surprise. Deliver this only in to the hands of Tyran Dawnsinger at Skargwatch Tower. I know Tyan only by reputation and although he has pledge an oath to the Peacemantle I think he will be receptive to this warning. Go with caution, Asharr. The Peacemantle have issued a mandate of peace within their camps between Human and Talrok. The Peacemantle take no side in our war and any act of aggression while under their protection will be met with swift and lethal punishment.
    May the dawn greet you this day, Asharr.
    Landir’s warning is received, Asharr, but know that the Peacemantle will not be twisted in the struggle between Human and Talrok. My brothers have traveled far to combat an ancient evil that now creeps across the land. Hate breeds hate, Asharr. As you focus your energies toward destruction darkness is waking deep in this cursed swamp. Your hearts are filled with hate and while your petty war continues you remain blind to the peril that will befall this world.


    • None


    Quest Facts

    - Level: 31
    - Requires level 28
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Knowledge is Power
    2. Master and Commander
    3. Skargwatch