1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Deep Core Survey


Collect five Golden Shore Core Samples and return them to Vargji.


The temple at the center of Lusha’anar was once swallowed by the sea but with the Lunatide Staves the Waterwitches where able to raise it to the surface. The ground around the temple may still hold some remnants of the magic that was employed but I cannot go close enough to take any samples. Close to the temple you should be able to recover some core samples from the sand. With those samples I will be able to make a final determination about the magic that was used here.
This is not enough, Kujix. I will need more samples if I am to determine what happened here.
From these I can tell that the Lunatide Staff is able to channel the flows of water but the magnitude of this power is beyond comprehension! Even the most novice Magus has learned the art of manipulating frost but this may be an entirely new school of magic at work.


  • None


  • 5050 experience
  • 38 75
Quest Facts

- Level: 31
- Requires level 28
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Witching Staves
  2. Deep Core Survey