1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Erol Fin's Head


Bring the Head of Erollfin to the Gypsy Merchant Vini.


The face of this Frognar is strangely decorated. The markings remind you of the Gypsies that travel this area. Perhaps one of them will have more information.
Perhaps one of the Gypsies will know more about this Frognar.
It’s about time someone took that no good Fin down. He’s been pillaging our caravans and engaging in all sorts of hostilities. And we don’t like hostilities, do we Erol?


  • 4410 experience
  • 9 45
Quest Facts

- Level: 27
- Requires level 24
- Side: Asharr
- Start: Erol Finn's Head
- End:
- Sharable: Yes