1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

What is it Good For?


Collect Bloomin Sprogions, a Chomper Changa, and Spicy Hopgrass Dip for Riggab to make the gift basket. The Frognar Riggab will know how to create these items.


If Frognar attack Greenvale, Frognar all die! Riggab no want to die! You help! Riggab get you parts you need for gift basket but much work you need to do still! You need Bloomin Sprogions, a Chomper Changa, and Spicy Hopgrass Dip to make basket! You bring gifts... tasty gifts. We make basket for warchief. We tell him no attack Greenvale!
You get gifts. Riggab make basket!
Mmmm. That look good! Now take to Warchief Frosh!


  • None


  • 250 experience
Quest Facts

- Level: 13
- Requires level 10
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes