1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Trade Lanes


Deliver the secure crate to Foreman Jira in Nazran.


Trade! That is the most important thing you must learn if you are to be successful with the HUD. I will give you this one opportunity, but if you should fail in this simple task then it would be best that I never see your face again. You will deliver this container to Foreman Jira in Nazran. Don’t get any wise ideas about opening it ether. Jira is the only one with the proper key and he will know if the lock has been tampered with. Do not disappoint me.
You have something for me?
So, Kuso has a new errand boy? We may be able to find some work for you.


  • None


  • 1680 experience
  • 12 90
Quest Facts

- Level: 31
- Requires level 28
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: No