1. Remember Me

  2. OR   



Kill six Rukuz Nidgiteers.


The schematic that you have returned has details about a weapon that the Rukuz are constructing. If they are allowed to finish its construction and deploy it during our attack then it is conceivable that the Ogran would be decimated by its power. Almost all of our elements are in place, but we will need more time before the assault can be launched. Kill the Nidgiteers in Nidgitan and delay the completion of the weapon long enough so that the Ogran can make their assault first.



We cannot underestimate them, Kujix. A weapon of such power could claim a victory for the Rukuz.
With their Nidgiteers slain the Rukuz will not be able to use the device they have created for some time. By Ghazmok’s grace you may have bought us the time we need.


  • 4570 experience
  • 9 80
Quest Facts

- Level: 28
- Requires level 25
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes