1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Fight Jake for It


Locate the man who stole the Dryhawk from Tyrone.


You know those gyspies, always throwing swords in with deals. Yeah, we had one… had it right up until we crashed into a tree and some crazy guy came running out of nowhere and snatched it up. Then, we didn’t have it any more. If you want that sword, you can have it, but you’re going to have to find him.
If you want that sword, you’re going to have to find the crazy guy who stole it. I have no idea where he went.
That’ll learn ‘em. Needs to know his place, he does.



  • 9000 experience
  • 8 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 28
- Requires level 25
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Special Order
  2. You Come About a Caravan?
  3. Fight Jake for It