1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Return from Harrow Temple


Return the Cleansed Gem to Warpriest Arianna.


The cleansed gem is warm in your hand. Return it to Warpriest Arianna.
Return the Cleansed Gem to Warpriest Arianna.
Excellent. Rest assured this gem will play a part in the cleansing. I will see to it myself.


  • None


  • 2010 experience
  • 1 80
Quest Facts

- Level: 12
- Requires level 11
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Essence of Corruption
  2. Essence of Savagery
  3. Essence of Blood
  4. Essence of Brutality
  5. Fueled by Fire
  6. Return from Harrow Temple
  7. Before They Rise Again
  8. Fueled by Fire
  9. Return from Harrow Temple
  10. Before They Rise Again
  11. Fueled by Fire
  12. Return from Harrow Temple
  13. Before They Rise Again
  14. Fueled by Fire
  15. Return from Harrow Temple
  16. Before They Rise Again