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Allen Family Heirloom


Check the cupboard at the Allen Farmstead.


    Even before he went mad, Davin Allen had a thing for collecting strange stones. I heard he had one that protects whoever carries it from harm. He kept it in an old cupboard in his home. Maybe you could use it to put an end to this plague.
    What’s a madman need a magic stone for? Find the stone and use it to end this madness.
    Inside the cupboard is a badly damaged amulet. It looks as though someone has pried three stones from it. One of these must be the stone Trinn Brennon was talking about.


    • None


    • 1210 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 7
    - Requires level 7
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Allen Family Heirloom
    2. Allen Family Jewels