1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Freshwater's Finest


Collect 10 Succulent Crab Meat and 5 Savory Mudgrass


I am sure you have heard by now of the Stormshatter assault on the Nidget. These Ogran have begun to recover their lost ways, friend, and I hear you are responsible. Perhaps you can help them yet again. The crabs in this watering hole are an excellent source of strength, much more so than any other beasts in the area. If you bring me their meat, and some of the mudgrass that grows in the area, I will show you how to cook them.
Continue to gather, friend. You have not near enough.
Excellent. Now, watch closely as I prepare the mudgrass...



  • 4570 experience
  • 9 80
Quest Facts

- Level: 28
- Requires level 25
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Freshwater's Finest
  2. Tangled Traps