1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

It's the Gnolls, Stupid


Kill Gnolls in Wolvenar and bring six Gnoll Painsticks to Warden Lea.


I see you've been talking to that idiot, Sallen. He claims to be an expert about wolves, but he knows nothing. The wolves aren't attacking people out of hunger, they are being trained to attack people by the Gnolls in the area. The Gnolls are using sharpened branches they call painsticks to torture the wolves into submission. Stop the Gnolls, and return the painsticks to me, and I will insure they are destroyed. This is the only way to save the wolves.



Sallen is a fool. Why would anyone listen to him?
Excellent. I will destroy these painsticks, myself.


  • None


  • 3930 experience
  • 8 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 24
- Requires level 21
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. It's the Gnolls, Stupid
  2. Show Gnoll Mercy
  3. Sallen is an Idiot