1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

In Search of Malek


Ask Targon about Scholar Malek.


    What do you mean the necromancer was a Sprog? The Sprog are too dumb to learn necromancy on their own. There has to be more to this than one lousy Sprog. Someone is teaching these sprog to raise the dead, and it's surely not me. I'd have taught them how to bathe, first. Talk to Targon in Andar. He will help you find Scholar Malek in Greenvale. Malek will have something to say about this.



    Talk to Targon. You know, the big dumb guy back in Andor. Don’t tell him I said that.
    Scholar Malek? I know him well.


    • None


    Quest Facts

    - Level: 5
    - Requires level 3
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Speak with Mildran Koth
    2. The Old Abandoned Mine
    3. Ghostly Essence
    4. Maggothead
    5. Bones and Bones and Bones
    6. In Search of Malek
    7. Head to Greenvale