1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Salty Seadog


Find Boe and uncover what he knows about Ryton.


    Hey, hey you there. You are asking a lot of question about… Ryton, aren’t you? You didn’t hear this from me but there is a Bloodreaver in Westshallow who says he has seen him in person. You might get some more information from him, but be careful he hangs around with an Ogran brute.
    You talkin to me, matey?
    I’ve no time to waste with the likes of you lily-livered, slope-backed, shorebounds! State yer business, I’ve many a thing I need to attend to, yar.


    • None


    • 2590 experience
    • 33 60
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 48
    - Requires level 45
    - Side:   
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes