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Forgotten History


Search for the Great Blade of Sa'moth.


    Legends in this part of the world are almost as common as flies but there are some which hold a glimmer of truth. It is said that the Greatblade of Sa’moth was lost here ages ago during the great Culsu purge. You may find something there of value if you are able to locate it.
    Search for the lost weapons that were once used to cleanse the area of foul beasts.
    The Greatblade of Sa’moth rises solidly from a great stone. It seems that the blade and the rock have fused together leaving no hope of freeing the blade from its resting place.


    • None


    • 2160 experience
    • 16 66
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 40
    - Requires level 37
    - Side:   
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes