1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Great Threat


Return to Peacekeeper Westsun and solicit the Peacemantle’s help in destroying the Factory at Xukiss Landing.


    Our battle against Xukiss and the ever present threat of the Skix must now be set aside. There is something else, something far more deadly that we must concern ourselves with first. I believe that the Abomination that was sent by Xukiss now attempts to fuse his mechanical husk with that of living flesh. This must not be allowed to occur! The Abomination has grown too intelligent and it would seem that the Kujix can no longer control it; if we allow this threat to remain then the safety of all will be in jeopardy.



    The Treekeeper has given most of her life to the service of Triasha and I am wary of any proposition that would involve the Peacemantle in a fight between Asharr and Kujix. If I have your word, your service to the Peacemantle speaks for itself. I will make my recommendations based on this new information you have given me.


    • None


    • 2480 experience
    • 32 20
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 46
    - Requires level 43
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes