1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Ogran School


Find Arbiter Xux at Stone Tent in the Taxa fields.


    Well met Kujix. As you have proven yourself strong enough to climb the ladder of life, the council is requesting that such talents be utilized efficiently. Apparently a group of Ogran in the Upper Whey is causing a stir. Our report mentioned blasphemy, and this will not be allowed. Go see Arbiter Xux for the details, and let the Ogran know that we have returned to mend their foolish ways.
    What do you need?
    I see that my request was taken seriously. There is much to do Kujix.


    • None


    • 50 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 10
    - Requires level 7
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes