1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Calling All Volunteers


Speak with Jayle Morten about joining the Greenvale Volunteers in Scar’s End. You can find him north of the village of Greenvale.


    Well met, Asharr. By the looks of you I would imagine you have seen some action in the Greenvale area battling the Bonelust and the Coven, yes? You might have thought the job was done but the battle is far from finished. Jayle Morten has rallied the militia and many from Asheran have gone to join the fight in hopes of stopping the Coven’s onslaught. They could use one like yourself who has seen the worst of battle and still stood tall.
    May the hearth of Argon warm your soul, Asharr, it is good to see that others have come to join. Many have come but I fear our battle has just begun here in Hale Pines.


    • None


    • 100 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 22
    - Requires level 19
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes