1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Whirls in the Water


Find a source of still water somewhere in Sandsong Temple where you can test the effects of the Sandsong Idol.


    Here is a theory... The idols seem to be reactive around water but to their purpose I am still unsure. Find a suitable vessel where you can test the effects of this idol in Sandsong Temple and return to me with what you discover.
    Did you find out anything?
    A vortex, you say? I know the Lusha have been using magical vortexes for ages as a travelling device. But why would the Frognar be collecting these idols if the Lusha are the only ones who can use the power locked within them? There might be someone who can help, but this isn't going to be easy...


    • None


    • 3130 experience
    • 2 85
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 19
    - Requires level 16
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. The Idols of Sandsong
    2. Whirls in the Water
    3. Seabreeze the Frognar