1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Sonic Trembler


Inspect the NR1, NC1, and NK1 Sonic Tremblers along the border of Nidgit Glade.


    I have placed a number of early warning devices of the edge of Nidgit Glade. It had occured to me when I first arrived that the Stormcrush where not only unprepared to make an attack but that if the Nidgits decided to raid the encampment we would most likely not survive. I have placed three of the devices north to south along the border but I have not heard much activity from any of them. If you find them inspect them to make sure they are still active.
    Have you seen to the task?
    That is well, Kujix, but now we need to know more about where the Kurog and Rukuz are massing their forces.


    • None


    • 4570 experience
    • 9 80
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 28
    - Requires level 25
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Sonic Trembler
    2. Behind Enemy Lines