1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Cool and Collected


Gather eight chunks of Glacial Condensation from around the Frostwalker area.


Do you have any idea how hot it gets in this damnable swamp? Of course you do, I can see the sweat on your face. So, imagine my delight when I learned that there was a source of ice nearby. Ice! Gods be praised, I would pay good coin for some of that ice. Get the hint?
Ah, I can't wait much longer...
Fantastic! Here, let me hold that for you, I'm sure these coins would look much better in your hands anyway my friend.


  • None


  • 6170 experience
  • 47 50
Quest Facts

- Level: 38
- Requires level 37
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes