1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Abominable Ancients


Kill ten Warfront Ancients.


The Warseeders have seen how powerful an Obsidian Animation can be on the battle field and have tried to create something to match it. These new Warfront Ancients that the Warseeders are growing have proven to be a formidable opponent when they are sent to attack in force. If you were able to slip behind the lines and destroy the Warfront Ancients before they have massed for another assault it would buy us valuable time.
Have you destroyed all of the Warfront Ancients?
You dispatched these foul weapons of war so easily, I wonder if the Warseeders have not overestimated their power . Your skill in battle cannot be matched, Kujix.


  • None


  • 5000 experience
  • 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 34
- Requires level 31
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes