1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Book of Judgment


Recover the Book of Judgment and kill the two Tech-altered Soulhunters that stand guard.


The news is grave, Asheroth. The Book of Judgement is only whispered in stories, we never thought it actually existed. By some means high priests in Xanjuix Karr are able to communicate with their minions here in Teldis instantaneously. The advantage this gives the Kujix cannot be ignored. Find where they keep the Book of Judgement and recover it for me. The note mentions that it is guarded by Soulhunters that have been altered by Xukiss in some fashion. Kill them as well.
Is it done?
Triasha restore you, Asheroth. You have returned so quickly the high priest in Xanjuix Karr will not know we possess the book! This could be the Kujix undoing!


  • None


  • 5200 experience
  • 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 34
- Requires level 31
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Message from the Karr
  2. The Book of Judgment