1. Remember Me

  2. OR   



Find the Tourmaline Pendant, Jeweled Dagger, and Silver Flute on the Silvertide corsairs and cutthroats west of Vaxjin Landing.


You must understand: Namayl is a scoundrel. He and his brothers are a network of thieves and bandits, scum and filth. With shame I admit that I was one of them once, but that is behind me. It wasn't easy - they don't just let you leave on a whim, not when you know their secrets. So I ran for my life and found a new place here with the Peacemantle, and with them I have found purpose. I will not return to Namayl. I used the trinkets he accuses me of stealing to buy my passage here with the Silvertide - another band of murderous thugs. I presume that those items would still be found among them. I have duties here in Westshallow and cannot leave, but if you wish to help me perhaps you can find some way to retrieve them.
Have you found the items yet? They are surely still with the Silvertide.
Incredible. I didn't really expect you to find all three items. You are either very skilled or very, very lucky.


  • None


  • 29380 experience
  • 69 75
Quest Facts

- Level: 30
- Requires level 28
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Deserter
  2. Artalm Nurr
  3. Luruq's Trail
  4. Reacquisition
  5. Escape From A Troubled Past