1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Spy vs. Spy


Eliminate the Skix Scouter.


So the Skix would send people here to interfere with the HUD because we refused to deal in... Well, never mind that for now. Since I know you are no friend of the Skix, this could be a mutually beneficial arrangement for the both of us. Eliminate that Skix Scouter that is skulking about and make sure whatever information he has is buried along with him, and I will make sure you are rewarded.
Is he...gone?
Glad to see such competence. Now then, if you could please pass the parcel the Scouter was carrying to me, we have some more business to conduct.


  • None


  • 56200 experience
  • 1 10 70
Quest Facts

- Level: 40
- Requires level 38
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Coming Soon
  2. Local Muscle
  3. Spy vs. Spy
  4. Cash on Delivery
  5. Black and Red