1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

A Call to Arms


Travel to Xanjuix Karr and seek out Vaspar Truthseer.


    It is good you are here; the time is now for warriors such as you to rally to our cause and the flag of our patron Ghazmok. Zanyana has rallied her troops, and the War of Conversion now has reached our shores. Seek out Vaspar Truthseer, Grand Inquisitor of Ghazmok in Xanjuix Karr. My friend, he is a grizzled old warrior, as experienced as one could ever dread to meet. Tread lightly in Vaspar's presence.


    • Renown (Renown Level 1)


    Time is of the essence.
    Why do you interrupt me pup, I've called for no sweet treats. Be gone and return to me in the breakfast hour. You are who? Send by whom? Harrumph. Perhaps dear Farraja didn't understand me clearly when I told him I needed seasoned Kujix to fight in bloody, killing, WARS!!!


    • None


    • 640 experience
    • 320 renown 
    • 6 40
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 10
    - Requires level 10
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. The Rising Tide
    2. A Call to Arms
    3. Miscommunication
    4. Bring Me Those Reports
    5. Delicate Reintroduction
    6. An Introduction to the Quartermaster