1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Engineer's Apprentice


Bring Francis Sharpe the note and ask him if he still needs an apprentice.


Dearest Ally, It's been years since I've had the chance to visit my old home. Sad as this makes me I don't see a change coming any time soon. War is coming friend, of this I am certain. I'm currently in the employ of the Emperor and he has me drawing designs... well, I shan’t say more lest this note fall into enemy hands. You know how much I liked tinkering with the equipment around the farm. Let me just say that this job gives me the same joy as I had in those days. Anyhow, the point of my writing to you today is that I'm desperately in search of an assistant to aid me in some endeavors of a mechanical nature. Call it an Engineer's Apprentice. You seem to know everybody, so I thought I'd ask if you know any candidates for this job. If I wanted a lazy oaf I'd hire someone from around here. No, I need someone who has some gray matter between their ears. And they better be willing to bloody their knuckles a bit. Some of the things I need done will require, shall we say, a certain amount of force. Oh and they also shouldn't mind doing a fair amount of work. I think my new apprentice will find the rewards to be worth the effort. Warmest Regards, Francis Sharpe
You're who? Oh, Dirk sent you? Well come along then, come along. You're just in the nick of time. We've got a lot of work to do, a lot of work! Oh, I suppose I'd better ask you, do you want the job? Of course you do, why else would you be here?


  • None


  • 640 experience
  • 320 renown 
  • 6 40