1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Surviving the Siege


Gather two Lumber Bundles, two Iron Lumps, and two Charcoal Logs.


The greatest threat to even an impregnable fortress is an effective siege by enemy forces. Soldiers and citizens cannot survive without a source of food, water and medical supplies no matter how well they are trained. While we will let the civil support worry about food and water, you will be tasked with acquiring ample supplies for defense and construction. Help us gather some emergency supplies so our stores will be able to withstand an enemy siege long enough for reinforcements to arrive.



Have the supplies been improved?
With these supplies increasing everyday our readiness for battle also increases.


  • None


  • 1200 renown 
  • 30
Quest Facts

- Level: 0
- Requires level 0
- Type: Daily
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes