1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Ol'Mak Wastes


Travel to Osmanieire and speak with Captain Dal'jor Ruk.


    You have been a tremendous aid in securing our position here in Uz'ak and I know you will go on to do even greater things. I have sent word ahead of you to the outpost of Osmaneire, located in the snowy reaches of the Ol'Mak Wastes. The Captain there is a good woman and will look gratefully on any assistance you can provide. You are no longer a simpler Traveler, but have proven yourself a capable Navigator. Dahim'el Yu-set Navigator, and watch yourself out there. The wastes are unforgiving to even the slightest mistake.
    The frozen north is dangerous and harsh, but I find it beautiful as well.
    Ahvet'nae Navigator, it warms my heart to see you and out here that is saying quite a lot. I hope you will be able to help us here in Osmaneire for things are indeed dire.



    • 17860 experience
    • 2 25
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 15
    - Requires level 15
    - Side:   
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes