1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Gnoll Food For You


Eliminate the two Frostfang Guards and bring the Supply Stash to Captain Dal'jor Ruk.


The Frostfangs have been stealing food from us for a while now, hitting supply trains from Axelion and targeting our hunting parties. I say, let's give them a tummy ache. We're prepared a special shipment of goods specifically in the hopes they would hit it and take the bait. However, we've always figured the gnolls as clever if not smart, so we need you to set up a distraction that might throw off their uncanny ability to sniff out trouble. There is a cache of supplies the gnolls have used to squirrel away for tough times, so let us relieve them of it and make them even more desperate for the bait. Kill the two guards they have set up and bring me the supply stash. We'll take care of the rest.
Hard times call for hard measures.
Excellent work Navigator. Our plan is only able to move ahead this smoothly due to your assistance. Let's move on to the next step.



  • 21920 experience
  • 2 55
Quest Facts

- Level: 17
- Requires level 15
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Gnolls of the North
  2. Gnoll Food For You
  3. Frostfang Fury
  4. Gnoll Rest for the Wicked
  5. Winterpaw the Cleaver