1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Superstition and Faith


Perform a false ritual over the three Icy Altars located on the Gate of Stars and return to Sergeant Zal'fo.


    Using the previous acts, we're going to give the Nidgits and Sprog a show; one that should have them owing us if I'm right. Take this bauble one of the Savants came up with. There's nothing mystical about it, but the tribals don't know that. Find their three altars located on the Gate of Stars and shake this over them while mumbling whatever you like. If this works, they will think we have given them power. The true purpose will be to draw all eyes to you so we can slip past their patrols and gather information. Good luck Navigator, the area is not safe and any tribals you meet will no doubt attack you on sight.
    If we can bring these heathens into the light of Ouroban it may not be too late for them.
    Our gamble has paid off. We were approached by one of the Sand-eater Sprog and asked to save them from "the shadow man", whatever or whomever that might be. It's a step in the right direction.



    • 21920 experience
    • 2 55
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 17
    - Requires level 15
    - Side:   
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Tribes of the Tundra
    2. The Godlings
    3. Superstition and Faith
    4. Life of Sacrifice
    5. Secrets of the Tribe