1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Concentrated and Distilled


Gather five Nidgit Horns and two Undamaged Ogran Eyes.


One of our head Savants is in need of direct help, and I think you are one of the few capable of aiding him in his research without getting yourself killed. Savant Daktar may seem a trifle cold to those who do not know him, but no one works as tirelessly as he to see his people safe. He requested some rather strange reagents recently, so I would like you to gather them out in the wild and bring them to him yourself. Giri'kal Dorat Voyager.
Hm? Without those reagents, we have nothing to discuss.
I see. Pathfinder Fil'anna sent you with what I need. Most impressive. You may be just what I need to further our research.


  • 81440 experience
  • 8 5
Quest Facts

- Level: 24
- Requires level 20
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Bits and Pieces
  2. Masking the Ourobani
  3. Concentrated and Distilled
  4. The Power of Magic
  5. Gnoll Way Through the Sprog