Marksman's Helm of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Greaves of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Gloves of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Boots of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Belt of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Belt of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Vest of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Greaves of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Vest of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Bracer of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Bracer of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Boots of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Greaves of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Gloves of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Gloves of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Helm of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Shoulderpads of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Bracer of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Belt of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Boots of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Gloves of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Shoulderpads of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Belt of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Belt of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Vest of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Gloves of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Bracer of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Greaves of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Helm of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Belt of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Vest of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Bracer of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Greaves of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Boots of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Greaves of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Boots of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Bracer of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Helm of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Gloves of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Greaves of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Bracer of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Belt of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Shoulderpads of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Helm of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Belt of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Helm of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Helm of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Shoulderpads of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Vest of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Belt of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Shoulderpads of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Belt of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Helm of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Vest of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Helm of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Gloves of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Vest of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Gloves of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Shoulderpads of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Belt of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Helm of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Vest of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Helm of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Gloves of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Helm of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Gloves of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Gloves of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Shoulderpads of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Bracer of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Boots of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Vest of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Helm of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Vest of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Bracer of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Greaves of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Greaves of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Helm of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Boots of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Belt of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Greaves of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Shoulderpads of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Vest of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Gloves of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Boots of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Shoulderpads of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Boots of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Helm of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Belt of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Vest of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Belt of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Vest of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Shoulderpads of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Vest of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Vest of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Helm of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Bracer of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Vest of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Boots of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Gloves of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Bracer of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Shoulderpads of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Gloves of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Greaves of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Helm of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Belt of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Gloves of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Bracer of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Shoulderpads of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Vest of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Greaves of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Bracer of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Greaves of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Helm of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Bracer of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Greaves of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Helm of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Helm of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Gloves of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Helm of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Vest of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Helm of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Shoulderpads of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Helm of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Shoulderpads of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Boots of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Gloves of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Vest of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Helm of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Vest of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Helm of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Gloves of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Shoulderpads of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Vest of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Greaves of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Boots of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Belt of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Gloves of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Boots of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Greaves of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Belt of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Bracer of Finesse
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Shoulderpads of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Greaves of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Greaves of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Vest of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Boots of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Boots of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Bracer of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Gloves of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Belt of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Shoulderpads of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Vest of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Vest of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Bracer of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Shoulderpads of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Belt of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Helm of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Greaves of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Vest of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Gloves of Might
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Vest of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Greaves of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Bracer of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Helm of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Belt of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Savage Helm of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Boots of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Vest of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Boots of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Shoulderpads of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Boots of Courage
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Greaves of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Shade Walker's Belt of Aptitude
1 - 2 |
45 |
Feralheart Vest of Skill
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Shoulderpads of Resolve
1 - 2 |
45 |
Marksman's Shoulderpads of Precision
1 - 2 |
45 |
Rokscale Helmet of the Cyclebreaker
1 - 2 |
45 |
Hardened Beetleback Fistwraps
1 - 2 |
45 |
Obsidian-braced Muckleather Bracers
1 - 2 |
45 |
Lushascale Boots of Domination
1 - 2 |
45 |
Factory-forged Snoutbone Bracers
1 - 2 |
45 |
Battleblessed Murkshell Carapace
1 - 2 |
45 |
Outrider's Epaulettes
1 - 2 |
45 |
Outrider's Tunic
1 - 2 |
45 |
Outrider's Bandolier
1 - 2 |
45 |
Azurite-chain Coif
1 - 2 |
45 |
Azurite-chain Leggings
1 - 2 |
45 |
Azurite-chain Epaulettes
1 - 2 |
45 |
Azurite-chain Tunic
1 - 2 |
45 |
Outrider's Coif
1 - 2 |
45 |
Azurite-chain Gauntlets
1 - 2 |
45 |
Dreadbone Longstaff
1 - 2 |
45 |
Dreadbone Dirk
1 - 2 |
45 |
Dreadband Gloves
1 - 2 |
45 |
Dreadband Slacks
1 - 2 |
45 |
Dreadband Pauldrons
1 - 2 |
45 |
Dreadband Hood
1 - 2 |
45 |
Dreadband Vest
1 - 2 |
45 |
Rainwalker's Belt
1 - 2 |
20 |
Rainwalker's Gloves
1 - 2 |
20 |
Rainwalker's Boots
1 - 2 |
20 |
Rainwalker's Tunic
1 - 2 |
20 |
Rainwalker's Shoulderpads
1 - 2 |
20 |
Rainwalker's Wristguards
1 - 2 |
20 |
Rainwalker's Greaves
1 - 2 |
20 |
Battlewrapped Hoghide Ribcage
1 - 2 |
20 |
Lushascale Cobra Hood
1 - 2 |
20 |
Nightstalker Leggings
1 - 2 |
20 |
Deathgrip Eveningstar
1 - 2 |
20 |
Pit Fighter's Shoulderpads
1 - 2 |
20 |
Den Protector's Leggings
1 - 2 |
20 |
1 - 2 |
20 |
Keep Lord's Headguard
1 - 2 |
20 |
Warlord's Brigandine
1 - 2 |
20 |
Gatekeeper's Gloves
1 - 2 |
20 |
Eagle Ring
1 - 2 |
20 |
Wolf Ring
1 - 2 |
20 |
Bloody Handkerchief
1 - 2 |
20 |
Predator's Mark
1 - 2 |
20 |
Prey's Advantage
1 - 2 |
20 |
Composite Animal Skull
1 - 2 |
20 |
Phochi Cloak
1 - 2 |
20 |
Kon's Everclean Cape
1 - 2 |
20 |
Headgear of the Trailblazer
1 - 2 |
20 |
Breastplate of the Trailblazer
1 - 2 |
20 |
Blocks of Beast
1 - 2 |
20 |
Jackal's Gloves
1 - 2 |
20 |
War Master's Hearth
1 - 2 |
20 |
Midnight Footsteps
1 - 2 |
20 |
Skirt of the Trailblazer
1 - 2 |
20 |
Mantle of the Trailblazer
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Windclaw Leggings
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Wildfang Vest
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Windclaw Shoulderpads
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Wildfang Gloves
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Windclaw Ammo Belt
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Windclaw Breastplate
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Windclaw Boots
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Windclaw Gloves
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Windclaw Bracers
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Wildfang Longboots
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Windclaw Cap
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Wildfang Armbrace
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Wildfang Girdle
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Wildfang Spaulders
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Wildfang Greaves
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Wildfang Helm
1 - 2 |
20 |
Ivybound Gloves of the Hunt
1 - 2 |
20 |
Shadowhide Battletreads
1 - 2 |
20 |
Agrestal Mantle
1 - 2 |
20 |
Agrestal Breastplate
1 - 2 |
20 |
Agrestal Belt
1 - 2 |
20 |
Agrestal Headgear
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Squallmail Waistguard
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Squallmail Chest
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Squallmail Pauldrons
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Squallmail Gauntlets
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Squallmail Bracers
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Squallmail Greaves
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Squallmail Boots
1 - 2 |
20 |
Commander's Squallmail Helm
1 - 2 |
20 |
Shadowstalker's Belt
1 - 3 |
10 |
Shadowstalker's Treads
1 - 3 |
10 |
Shawl of Hidden Claws
1 - 3 |
10 |
Crackshot Bands
1 - 3 |
10 |
Swing King's Ring
1 - 3 |
10 |
Choker of Torn Throats
1 - 3 |
10 |
Rainwalker's Helm
1 - 3 |
10 |
Boots of the Lygar
1 - 3 |
10 |
Platinum Cat-eye Band
1 - 3 |
10 |
Fang Deflecting Neckguard
1 - 3 |
10 |
Ghoststep Longboots
1 - 3 |
10 |
Boiled Archery Guards
1 - 3 |
10 |
Helm of Elusive Prey
1 - 3 |
10 |
Swamphide Cuirass
1 - 3 |
10 |
Steelhide Bracer
1 - 3 |
10 |
Kobold Hide Stalkers
1 - 3 |
10 |
Wovenroot Tunic
1 - 3 |
10 |
Deep Hunter Epaulets
1 - 3 |
10 |
Vambracers of the Sly
1 - 3 |
10 |
Feral Waistwrap
1 - 3 |
10 |
Crown of Chaos
1 - 3 |
10 |
Silverscaled Chaps
1 - 3 |
10 |
1 - 3 |
10 |
Lushan Helm of Fangs
1 - 3 |
10 |
Stonedust Treads
1 - 3 |
10 |
Handwraps of Misery
1 - 3 |
10 |
Dusk's Embrace
1 - 3 |
10 |
Hardened Skitterplate
1 - 3 |
10 |
Sniper's Footpads
1 - 3 |
10 |
Ferocious Mittens
1 - 3 |
10 |
Ferocious Footpads
1 - 3 |
10 |
Wildwood Breastplate
1 - 3 |
10 |
Wildwood Footpads
1 - 3 |
10 |
Ferocious Breastplate
1 - 3 |
10 |
Sniper's Mittens
1 - 3 |
10 |
Sniper's Breastplate
1 - 3 |
10 |
Wildwood Headgear
1 - 3 |
10 |
Ferocious Greaves
1 - 3 |
10 |
Wildwood Greaves
1 - 3 |
10 |
Wildwood Mittens
1 - 3 |
10 |
Sniper's Headgear
1 - 3 |
10 |
Sniper's Greaves
1 - 3 |
10 |
Ferocious Headgear
1 - 3 |
10 |
Granitefang Boots
1 - 3 |
10 |
Granitefang Kilt
1 - 3 |
10 |
Chestpad of Gathering Winds
1 - 3 |
10 |
Hood of Gathering Winds
1 - 3 |
10 |
Gloves of Gathering Winds
1 - 3 |
10 |
Boots of Gathering Winds
1 - 3 |
10 |
Granitefang Chestpad
1 - 3 |
10 |
Granitefang Gloves
1 - 3 |
10 |
Kilt of Gathering Winds
1 - 3 |
10 |
Granitefang Hood
1 - 3 |
10 |