1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Once a Thief...


Speak with Dire Pirate Bob about the recent murder.


Recently, we've had another scout killed and this one didn't wander too close to a hungry Chomper; although the murders would have you believe that was the case. Normally I would pass it off as a simple robbery...if it weren't for the state of the poor blighter's corpse. Something smells all up and down this coast my friend, and I'm not talking about the sea.
Have you spoken with him?
By the gods! The Coven? Here!? This is terrible. We must do something abou this; for Yu's sake as much as our own.


  • None


  • 56200 experience
  • 1 10 70
Quest Facts

- Level: 40
- Requires level 38
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Sign Here
  2. Once a Thief...
  3. Dark Tidings
  4. Crack the Skull
  5. Grave Silence