1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Strong, Slow, and Uninformed


Gather three Ogran Shaman Totems from the Ogran Grassdancers of Aeon.


Large, strong, and slow it seems the Ogran of Alganon are treated as slaves by the Kujix. Here on Aeon however, they have a unique sense of independence and have been able to hold their own for generations. They do little in the way of information gathering and they do not seem interested in expanding their territory beyond what is needed to support families. However, due to the nature of this island and its dangers, they are hostile to intruders and those traveling too close to their lands. The Savants would like some of their tribal fetishes and wish to study them in comparison to those from the continents.
If properly motivated, the Ogran could be effective allies.
Every bit of information helps us understand our neighbors on Aeon.



  • 81440 experience
  • 8 5
Quest Facts

- Level: 24
- Requires level 20
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Peoples of the Plains
  2. The Unstable Factor
  3. Strong, Slow, and Uninformed
  4. Forging a New Understanding
  5. Stand and Deliver