1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Stand and Deliver


Kill Agent Rah'l, Savant U'ta, and Avenger Draosheer.


Although it is often taboo so speak openly of the traitors who have turned their back on both the Reconstruction and Ouroban, the Lost will not simply disappear because we are ashamed of their cowardice. We must make it clear that their betrayal and continued attempts to disrupt our operations simply will not stand. Seek out three of their most important leaders and kill them.
Traitors cannot be forgiven.
The loss of these three rabble-rousers will slow the movements and coordinated efforts of the Lost in stopping the Reconstruction. Your actions have saved the lives of many of your brothers and sisters.



  • 106280 experience
  • 8 75
Quest Facts

- Level: 28
- Requires level 20
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Peoples of the Plains
  2. The Unstable Factor
  3. Strong, Slow, and Uninformed
  4. Forging a New Understanding
  5. Stand and Deliver